Where to Eat in LA: Bavel


Seated at the bar among Arabic arches, detailed tile work, and a lush, draped hanging garden at Bavel, you can’t help but feel that you’re in a modern version of the Alhambra. It’s fitting that the architecture at the Arts District resto shines, as the name Bavel nods to the Biblical tower of Babel, a massive edifice built in Babylon (now modern-day Iraq) intended to reach the heavens. The tower was built when there was a singular language among humanity. But as a punishment to civilization, God cursed humans to no longer understand each other. Communities were divided; countries were formed.

While the lines between mythology and history are blurred, it’s easy to see the parallels: In a time where the region is plagued by conflict, we’re reminded that food is the tie that binds. It’s our common language. And what better place to commune than a restaurant like Bavel?  

Especially when the Middle Eastern fusion cuisine by chef Ori Menasche of Bestia is so. damn. good.

Read more about why I found this restaurant so special and get my tips on what to order in my review for Angeleno here.
