Take a Virtual Vacay With Filipino Flavors from Ria Dolly Barbosa of Petit Peso

This week I’m chatting with Ria Dolly Barbosa, a phenomenal Filipino American chef and the brains behind Petit Peso in Downtown LA. I’ve been a fan girl of Ria’s ever since trying her island-inspired specials at Sqirl, where her dishes and ideas — often inspired by her heritage — were essential to the restaurant’s rising popularity. Her adobo is so good, even Jon Hamm is a fan!

I’ve always wanted to visit the Philippines, and this interview definitely reignited my wanderlust. Ria and I talk about how the mix of indigenous, Malaysian, Chinese, and Spanish influences has made Filipino cuisine some of the most interesting in the world, and why it’s important to protect your intellectual property and ideas not just as a chef, but a creative. We also discuss why, no matter what the profession, we should get over what she calls the “crab in a bucket” mentality.

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