Make This Smoked Whitefish Dip for a Sustainable Smørrebrød Spread


The more I travel, the more I've come to realize that in the US, we're pretty limited in terms of the variety of seafood we enjoy, and that's a real bummer -- both for us and for the oceans. It results in overfishing, mismanagement of fisheries, and to be honest, selling our palates short when it comes to exploring new flavors!

Which is why MSC Blue Fish, a certification program that denotes when the source is both traceable and sustainable, is so important. Purchasing products with this stamp of approval has a real impact; it’s seafood that is not only good for you but the oceans too.


Over the years I've become a big fan of whitefish like mackerel and kipper, a fun (and *very* affordable!) little smoked fish you can find in your canned seafood aisle that makes a wonderful whitefish dip (I call it a Kipper Dipper because you know I love a good food pun!). I made a brunch-friendly smørrebrød spread inspired by my recent trip to Western Sweden, but this dip could definitely make for great game-day snacking too.

The flavor is like your lox and bagel plus schmear all in one! Here’s how it all comes together.

Smoked Whitefish Dip aka Kipper Dipper

3 oz Ducktrap smoked mackerel
1 (3.25 oz) can Crown Prince smoked kippers
1/4 cup organic whipped cream cheese
I/4 organic cup sour cream
1 whole lemon, juiced
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tbsp chopped dill
1/2 tbsp Crystal hot sauce
Cracked black pepper

*Serves 4

In a medium sized mixing bowl, flake the mackerel and kippers with a fork. Add remaining ingredients and stir together. Refrigerate for an hour to set, then schmear on top of your favorite rye bread. Enjoy it solo or enjoy it with a variety of pickles. I love mine with quick-pickled red onions and thinly sliced radishes, but you do you!