Where To Go On Safari: Okavango Delta, Botswana


img_7332Pretty much every traveler -- self included -- has going on safari at the top of their bucket list, and rightfully so. As a professional food and travel writer, it's always been one of my dirty little secrets that I hadn't yet been, but I'll tell you this much: it was worth the wait.


This summer I headed off to Botswana with Abercrombie & Kent to visit their Sanctuary properties and came back with so many wonderful memories, stories, and content that I felt like my head was going to explode. There are very few places in the world that make you feel so humbled, and truly give you a deep respect for nature, wildlife and conservation, and Botswana is one of them. I loved that the Sanctuary properties partnered up with local charities to give back to the communities where their lodges were based, too. That element of giving back is so important for me as a traveler.


Their strict anti-poaching laws make them shining examples in terms of conservation, alongside countries like Kenya. I wrote about my experience going on safari in some depth here for Travel Age West. I was also able to include it in Travel + Leisure's Where To Travel in 2017 package, which is great for finding travel inspo for the year to come. img_7598

And, of course, in typical Krista fashion, I made a video with my partner and excellent aerial videographer, Michael Kretovics below. I hope you too get to experience safari in your lifetime. It's everything you have dreamed of, and more!